skate nights
September 24th; January 17th; April 11th
Lace up your roller skates and join us at the roller rink for a "wheel" good time! Families and friends all welcome. Show off your skills and enjoy some pumping music, disco lights, and endless skating guaranteed to wear the kiddos out.

dolphin dash
November 7th
Our biggest fundraising event of the year! This is a fun event for the entire school to enjoy music and jog with their class. Our fundraising goal this year is to match last year's: $50,000. Check back here for links to our pledge page.

scholastic book fairs
November 18th-22nd; May 19th-23rd
There's no fair like the Book Fair! And, there's no better way to encourage reading than the opportunity for students to identify and express their own voice in choosing what to read. This is an event that students, friends and family can all enjoy.

special person's day
November 21st
Special Persons' Day is an opportunity to enjoy observing and interacting with your grandchild or special young friend in Newland Elementary. Stay tuned for an announcement about what you can look forward to on November 21st.

September 27th & March 28th
The students love when the campus opens up to their friends and family to meet and greet at Lunch on the Lawn. So, come enjoy the outdoors and join your kids for a bring-your-own picnic extravaganza!

holiday shop
December 9th-13th
Give your child the opportunity to experience the joy of giving and give back to your school! This holiday shop will be hosted during your child's school hours and provides stress-free school holiday shopping.

holiday movie night
December 13th & March 7th
Complete with concession stand and big screen, bring a blanket or chairs to join us for an outdoor movie night under the stars!

100th day of school
February 11th
Students, teachers and staff all get in on the fun when it's the 100th Day of School. Curlers, suspenders, canes, horn-rimmed glasses, and wrinkles--this is a hilariously creative and "classic" event!

variety show
April 24th
Encourage your child to participate in our annual talent show. This is a great way for your child to showcase their talents, foster their self esteem and feel the well-deserved self-importance when supported by their entire school cheering them on!

staff appreciation week
May 5th-May 9th
Not to brag, but Newland Elementary has some of the BEST teachers and staff in the state. That's why it's so important to show our gratitude to our educators and staff who play a vital role in shaping the minds and futures of our children. Help us acknowledge their tireless efforts and the impact they make every day in our students' lives!
black & white SPRING gala BENEFIT
May 16th
It was such a hit last year that we're doing it again: Newland's Spring Benefit. Click here to hear more about all the exciting details.

newland carnival
June 6th
This is more than a well-attended community event. It is a beloved Newland tradition! Popcorn, face painting, inflatables and more! Come join us for some good old fashioned carnival fun!